New Feature Release: Sheet Anonymization in Technical Drawings

As a supplier or manufacturer, do you encounter instances when it is required to remove corporate information that could identify the author of the technical drawing? And how long does it take to remove or replace the logo and certain elements from drawings when necessary?  

There is a simple and fast solution that will help you to put your concerns to rest: Sheet Anonymization product by Werk24.  


Why Data Anonymization is a Need in Technical Drawings?

Many companies ask how to make the value of data that lies in technical drawings for progress without addressing the companies behind it. One of the reasons for this is that, as a manufacturer, you need to hide the corporate information of the suppliers or third parties to make the quotation process more neutral. Besides, you need to maintain the organization's anonymity in technical drawings to ensure customer privacy as a supplier for a corporation. To conceal information about the author's company, it is required to anonymize technical drawings for the various reasons above. Any information identifying the writing company should be eliminated or replaced from the technical drawings.  

Let’s learn more about how it works on the technical drawings. 


How Does Werk24’s Sheet Anonymization Work?

There are two techniques for hiding the elements in technical drawings, which are eliminating and replacing the identical elements. From the engineering perspective, these techniques can be called (i)anonymization and (ii)pseudonymization: (i) The Werk24 Sheet Anonymization solution is developed to find and remove the company logo, address, and company standards/texts that could identify the authoring organization, (ii) The Sheet Pseudonymization solution replaces the third-party logo with your company logo if you provide the SVG format as given in the “before and after” example below. It is also applicable to particular text elements.

Werk24's Technical Drawing Before Sheet Anonymization
Werk24's Technical Drawing After Sheet Anonymization

With Werk24’s new product, Sheet Anonymization, you can automatically remove or replace the logo and certain text elements (e.g., company name, etc.) from technical drawings to streamline the processes. Now you know the quickest method for data anonymization in technical drawings. From this point on, all you have to do is get in touch with us.


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