Structured Data vs Unstructured Data

Have you ever wished to learn how to convert unstructured data to structured data quickly and easily? First, let's look at why it’s better to learn this. 

Our modern world could not have functioned without structured data – imagine the business world without excel sheets. However, most information is unstructured – email, pictures, technical drawings. Most of the time, human power is required to convert unstructured data into structured data. For Technical Drawings, Werk24 has made a change. Let us find out how.  


What is structured data?

Structured Data, also termed quantitative data – is a well-organized dataset, which fits perfectly in a predefined data model. It has limited predefined formats, which makes it easier to read them using machine algorithms. A very familiar example is Microsoft Office Excel Sheet or Databases. The Excel Sheet example is given below:

The Excel Sheet as Structured Data

What is unstructured data?

Unstructured Data, also termed qualitative data – has no predefined structure and exists in various formats. That is the reason why it cannot be processed and analysed via conventional data tools and methods. Quite common examples are PDFs and image files. Image files are illustrative examples: we humans at once recognize our favourite pet in a picture – for a machine, it is just a collection of colourful pixels. Only special software allows the machine to fulfil the same task. Technical drawings are one of the specified examples as given below:

A Technical Drawing as Unstructured Data

Engineering Drawings – Structured or Unstructured?

An engineering drawing is a perfect example of Unstructured Data. It can exist in the form of an image, pdf, or CAD software format. These formats are `small data prisons` that make it difficult for machines to access to understand them. It always needed an engineer to process and analyse them manually. This involves an enormous number of working hours spent on reading the information provided in these drawings and is prone to human errors.


How does Werk24 convert Unstructured Data into Structured Data?

Werk24’s artificial intelligence understands Engineering Drawings in many formats. Our technology processes these unstructured technical drawings and converts them into highly structured Excel Sheets or other machine-readable formats like “JSON.” Werk24 is thriving to provide this specialized tool to business users to automatically access the data from Engineering Drawings in the desired format.


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