Werk24 Now Reads Revision Table

Isn't it critical to keep the transaction's historical data accurate and the additional information in the correct location? But did you know how this is done for engineering part modifications? 

The Revision Table is the most comprehensive source of information about a part's revision history – it never deletes or loses data. Therefore, Revision Table is one of the important parts of an engineering drawing.    

The revision table includes vital information like the latest change content, the date of this change, the person responsible for it, and even the position of the change on the drawing.   

This is how a revision table looks like:  

Revision Table Including Engineering Drawing Information

Searching for the latest drawings in the archive?

Imagine you have thousands of drawings in a single folder and are searching for the latest drawings. It will be very difficult to maintain the records of each drawing manually and find the latest drawing among them. Werk24 can now read the revision table automatically and provide the information within seconds. Werk24 provides you with the latest revision along with the details of the change content.

Werk24 reads Revision Table. Can OCR do this?

One might say this can also be done using simple OCR technology, however, the complexity of the revision table makes this difficult. Werk24 uses a lot of contextual information to create a structured result. Because we can understand the following challenges in a Revision Table, our Artificial Intelligence surpasses OCR technology. 

 As illustration, we have taken the above revision table as example and processed it with Google Vision OCR (try it yourself here: https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/drag-and-drop). On April 1st 2022, Google generates the following response: 

Revision Table processed by Google Vision OCR

Google does an amazing job with their generic OCR technology – yet it has no domain knowledge and is unaware of the desired result format. In consequence it returns the text in a more-or-less random order. Werk24 on the other hand generates structured data that you can directly use to automate your processes.

Werk24 response

Revision Table of Engineering Drawing by Werk24


Reading a date is easy but understanding its format is difficult. In a revision table, there could be any format of the same date, for example, 31/12/2021, 31-12-2021, 12/31/21, 2021/Dec/31, etc. Our Artificial Intelligence understands all these formats of dates, thereby avoiding any confusions in the dates.

Zones vs Revisions

Another challenge is to differentiate Revision Serial number vs Zone. Is A1 a Revision Serial or a Zone? Werk24 will correctly identify it as a Zone. For an OCR they are just meaningless characters, whereas Werk24 categorizes them between, Zones vs Revisions.

Migration to PLM!

A PLM software can provide a platform to store drawing revision data categorically. However, this needs an interlink with the CAD software and purchasing an expensive license for the PLM software. Werk24 can provide a reliable and easy solution by reading the revision table and the title block. It can help you organize thousands of drawings, saving all the expenses for PLM software.  



Structured Data vs Unstructured Data


Extracting Technical Drawings Data to Excel Sheet