Blog Library: Werk24 Stories and Progress

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Werk24 Now Reads Variant Table
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Werk24 Now Reads Variant Table

A variant table is used to classify comparable components and display them on a single drawing. These components may only differ in length, diameter, number, etc. Engineers can design a single drawing template that can be used for multiple comparable elements. Werk24 can now automatically read these Variant Tables and lets you to store variant information in a systematic manner, avoiding complexity.

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Werk24 at Siemens AI with Purpose Summit ‘22
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Werk24 at Siemens AI with Purpose Summit ‘22

AI with Purpose Summit 2022 was organized by Siemens AI Lab for promoting AI solutions that address digital concerns and guide the world toward a sustainable future. Siemens invited Werk24 as the industry leader in technical and CAD drawing data extraction. Werk24 shares the knowledge, and strategies for addressing Data Quality problems and contributes toward sustainability and digitizalization.

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Werk24 Understands Thread Elements from Technical Drawings
Feature Release Jochen Mattes Feature Release Jochen Mattes

Werk24 Understands Thread Elements from Technical Drawings

Manufacturers or data analysts struggle with complicated Technical/ CAD Drawings' Thread annotation. Werk24's AI can now interpret basic and detailed threads and deliver a structured output that contains all parameters. Werk24 reads thread dimensions in detail and calculates Standard Pitch Values in autmatically. Werk24 accelerates manufacturing processes and reduces lead time without human reading errors.

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Creating Cloud-Ready Technical Drawings
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Creating Cloud-Ready Technical Drawings

The retrieved data become clearer after the technical drawings are understood. All quality levels of drawings can't be processed, so manufacturing services should avoid some (e.g. coffee stains drawings, overlapping sectionals, etc.). As a manufacturer, you should know what to do and not do for drawings to create cloud-ready technical drawings.

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Werk24 Now Reads Break Lines from Technical Drawings
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Werk24 Now Reads Break Lines from Technical Drawings

Break lines are used to reduce a long section view in technical drawings, although they are complex. Werk24's technology analyzes measurements like Break Lines from technical drawings and creates a proportional guess based on pixels. Werk24's Artificial Intelligence understands the break lines automatically and evaluates if a dimension is out of scale and verifies a break line view.

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Knowledge Base for Product Owners
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Knowledge Base for Product Owners

When collecting information from technical drawings to save time and maintain track of work, basic engineering terms should be understood. By defining a variety of mechanical engineering terminologies, Werk24 has built a comprehensive knowledge base for product owners (e.g. tolerances, title blocks, radii, surface roughness, etc.). The mechanical engineering background of product owners has been enriched thanks to Werk24, which assists them in clearly comprehending these complex words.

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Extraction of Product Manufacturing Information (PMI)
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Extraction of Product Manufacturing Information (PMI)

Engineers strive hard while manually obtaining Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) from a variety of technical designs, which is time-consuming and inaccurate. Fortunately, Werk24 has developed cutting-edge technology for extracting PMI from complex engineering drawings and providing Product Owners with a simple sheet that automatically populates with all the data they need. Under favour of AI, parts are formed automatically into the structured output format.

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Extracting Post Processing Steps from Technical Drawings
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Extracting Post Processing Steps from Technical Drawings

When the Post-Processing Steps are done, the mechanical component manufacture is complete. Using a traditional method such as OCR, it can be difficult to identify and categorize these mechanical components for numerous Post-Processing Steps. Fortunately, Werk24 extracts the post-processing methods from technical drawings automatically (e.g. cleaning or polishing ) every day by improving the detection of different classification methods. By reading thousands of drawings, Werk24 generates a thorough report that categorizes all of your components and suggests the best methods for Post-Processing Steps.

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Structured Data vs Unstructured Data
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Structured Data vs Unstructured Data

Engineering Drawings in various forms are recognized by Werk24's artificial intelligence. Our software turns these unstructured technical drawings into highly structured Excel Sheets or other machine-readable formats such as "JSON." Werk24's technology allows you to save time by automating processes.

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Werk24 Now Reads Revision Table
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Werk24 Now Reads Revision Table

The Revision Table is a crucial aspect of technical drawings that never loses data while providing essential information about a part's revision history, such as change descriptions, dates, and so on. Werk24's Artificial Intelligence can now read the revision table automatically and provide information in seconds, including the most recent revision as well as the text of changes.

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Extracting Technical Drawings Data to Excel Sheet
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Extracting Technical Drawings Data to Excel Sheet

Product owners in the manufacturing industry must grasp the information in technical drawings as engineers in order to attribute value to the business aspect. They may access the technical drawing information using Excel Sheets, the most common format in business, rather than an engineering file text editor, thanks to Werk24. Artificial intelligence in Werk24 scans complex drawings and automatically generates detailed Excel Sheet information.

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We Still Need Technical Drawings
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We Still Need Technical Drawings

Many companies still use technical drawings for manufacturers and suppliers nowadays. Engineering drawings provide the potential to be translated by others all across the world, which has many benefits ( g.e. portability, storage). Werk24 technology has created a unique solution that recognizes technical drawings and extracts vital information automatically.

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Advantages in  N Grade Surface Roughness
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Advantages in N Grade Surface Roughness

Surface Roughness contains many parameters that can be used to specify the roughness. From the perspective of a product owner, the various measures for some objectives can be bothering. Thankfully, ISO has divided the characteristics into N Grades, which can be easily understood. From the manufacturer's perspective, the process reduces complexity. N Grades are scaled numbers that Werk24 recommends.

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IT Grades as Standardized Tolerance
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IT Grades as Standardized Tolerance

Tolerances can be applied to a variety of units that are important components of manufacturing. When dealing with a large number of tolerances, engineers can make mistakes. The solution is Werk24's API, which calculates the IT Grade for all finite tolerances automatically. AI technology accelerates the procedures by combining all of these varied tolerance levels in a standardized way.

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Importance of Extracting External Dimensions
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Importance of Extracting External Dimensions

Extraction of exterior dimensions is necessary for determining essential manufacturing parameters (e.g. defining the quantity of material or cost). Reading external dimensions would not always produce a correct result in a standard OCR system. Werk24 creates technology that flawlessly extracts these external dimensions and anticipates relevant data. Artificial Intelligence will be used to improve the processes.

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Werk24 Supports Nested Drawings
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Werk24 Supports Nested Drawings

The material information is given twice in Nested Drawings, which are multi-layered technical drawings. In the manufacturing industry, Nested Drawings can lead to process inconsistencies. Werk24's Artificial Intelligence enables for automatic reading and comparison of given data using cutting-edge technology. By reducing misunderstanding, automation of these procedures can considerably boost productivity.

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ISO vs ANSI Drawings
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ISO vs ANSI Drawings

Engineering designs could have a wide range of difficulties. The technical drawing standards in EU and the US are vastly different. Engineers from all around the world benefit from a grasp of several perspectives in various standards, such as ISO in EU and ANSI in US. The solution of Werk24 is creating a readable version of both ISO and ANSI standards at the same time utilizing innovative AI intelligence.

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Extraction of Surface Roughness Symbol from Technical Drawings
Feature Release Jochen Mattes Feature Release Jochen Mattes

Extraction of Surface Roughness Symbol from Technical Drawings

Surface Roughness extraction from technical drawings is a time-consuming yet required activity in many work preparation processes. Werk24's Artificial Intelligence extracts this data automatically and is familiar with ISO and ANSI standards. This future technology, which replaces the traditional OCR technology, will significantly increase productivity.

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